Monday, December 19, 2005

Hate mail!

From Tim Foret:

Hey you little prick, like posting your drivel on other peoples blogs? How about getting your redneck ass up here to NH where I can set you straight? Ive seen your dumb little shitkicker blog. My 10 year old daughter puts more thought into her website.

Have a nice day. Nebraska is good for one thing and thats to get from the east coast to the west. At least I have the decency to tell you you're a little shit by email instead of polluting your blog. You do it again I won't be so cordial.

You can look that last word up, dick.

From me:

First thing, I am rather large prick. Thank you! And your blog just happens be so unremember I can't find it. In hopes your daughter will become the Democratic spin doctor before the east or west coast falls into their respective oceans I leave you with some of the device. Get bent!

Filed under: Commentaries Personal


T4A said...

I'm still stupefied as to why you would actually post that response. You realize you sound like a drunk?

Now, maybe I'm not giving you enough credit for mangling the English language. Hell, Bush does it too, which may be the only common trait you two idiots hold other than being totally ignorant of the constitution of the United States.

Good luck with your blog. And here's a quick hint for your advanced computer skills...try spell check.

Pusher said...

Don't you realize, I may be drunk and touch myself when read these letters.